Don’t Make Any of These Common Home Inspection Mistakes


For better or worse, a home inspection plays an important role in any real estate transaction. It will likely determine the next steps in the home buying process, as both parties await the results before continuing. Nashville Home Inspection offers various inspection services to help you protect your investment and make informed decisions with the help of our certified inspectors. We’ve completed thousands of inspections and will discuss common home inspection mistakes you should avoid as a buyer or seller.


Seller Mistake: Not Preparing for the Inspection

As a seller, there are certain things you can do to prepare your home for an inspection that will make things easier for everyone involved. You should take care of any known issues before the inspection, or else they will end up documented as flaws on the inspection report. You’ll also want to ensure all areas are accessible and clear of clutter and your utilities and appliances are powered on.

Buyer Mistake: Not Attending the Inspection

At All-Pro Home Inspections, we always encourage buyers to attend the home inspection. The inspector will be able to point out any areas of concern directly to you, and you will have the opportunity to address any questions or concerns. Even if you can’t attend the entire inspection, it would benefit you to arrive up to 90 minutes after the inspection begins to be able to speak to the inspector.

Seller Mistake: Attempting to Hide Issues

The ethical thing to do is disclose any known issues with your home’s condition, even if it has been repaired. If you attempt to hide any major issues uncovered during the inspection, it will harm the buyer’s trust in you and your property. Depending on the nature and severity of the problem, it could even result in legal consequences for you.

Buyer Mistake: Having Unrealistic Expectations

Remember that no home, including those newly built, is perfect. As a buyer, you can’t hold unrealistic expectations that the home you want to purchase will be completely free from flaws. There are typically common minor issues discovered at home inspections that can easily be repaired and resolved.

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